Why are we organizing this pitch?
Technological innovation is vital to solve the climate challenges of today. Together with our partner and environmental organization ZERO, Telenor wants to be an active contributor to realize new and green technology and place more emphasis on sustainable solutions in the start-up environment. Our goal is to support the development of your idea.
We want to work with you
A greener future can be realized for instance by using resources more efficiently, improving industrial processes or by reducing the need for transportation. The opportunities for improved solutions are endless. What is your greentech idea? You can be an established player or have a completely fresh idea you want to develop further.
Apply now and pitch your green idea at Oslo Innovation Week October 18th
You have five minutes to convince us why your idea is the best and how we can help you.
We want to know about the problem, your solution and who your target group is.
Your award
- Office space in an inspiring environment including free broadband and telecommunication
- Techmakers Green Accelerator 3-month program through our collaborator Kjeller Innovasjon
- A personal contact person in Telenor and Zero
- Access to support and networking channels in Telenor and ZERO
- Access to marketing, financial-, and technological competence
The winner will be announced at the Zero Emission Conference in November. In addition to this winner we will choose one candidate that will get the opportunity to pitch at the semifinal of 100 pitches at OIW October 19.
Deadline: September 15th 2016
Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at greenovation@telenor.com
- Must be a Norwegian start-up or Norwegian-based individual
- Your idea is ready to be pitched
- Your idea offers a solution that contributes to reduce the climate gas emissions, directly or indirectly- in the long or short term
- Your idea has the potential to be a driver of green development by contributing to the change of existing climate solutions and to make the solutions available for consumers, business or others
- Your idea must be realistic, executable and have the potential to create substantial revenue
- Cross- industrial solutions
- The solution would benefit from the market distribution capabilities and other capabilities of Telenor and Zero
- The solution has global potential
- Short description of the idea
- Description of the business model or technical solution
- A short video (max 20 seconds) where the essence of your idea is presented by the same person as in the pitch at Oslo Innovation Week
- Description of how your idea contributes to a greener future
- Description of how Telenor and ZERO can help you reach your goals (customers, product, technical solution, competence and network)
- Berit Svendsen is EVP and CEO in Telenor Norway. Read more abouth her here
- Marius Holm is CEO in ZERO.
- Ellen Hambro is head of the Ministry of Environment.
- Harald Olderheim er fra Kjeller Innovasjon og leder av Techmakers Green Accelerator.
- Haakon Bryhni er CTO i Elliptic Labs.
Register your pitch
The deadline for submitting your green idea has expired (September 15th 2016).

© 2016 Telenor ASA